• 03.02.2023 Friday Bulletin #43

            Message from the Head of School (Mr. Daniel Brace) 

            Almost half way through the term already – it is flying past, soon it will be time for the next set of reports and for students tio show off their fantastic progress again. Exam results will be issued to our year 11’s this week – this is a reminder of the work that they still need to do to complete the IGCSE course successfully. The International exams will be sat this year starting at the end of May and going into June so there is still time for students to continue to improve or to concentrate on their exam technique – all of which we shall be helping with over the next term. 

            We will be sending out details of this year's options events aimed at giving the year 9 and 11 student & parents the information they need to make the right choices for their future qualifications. We will be holding an additional event for year 8’s as well this year as a way of introducing the IGCSE and International exam standards at an earlier stage. 

            Please can I remind parents that students are NOT to bring in their own food without a medical exemption from our school doctor. We are looking into changes to the current school food provision and more details will follow. I would also like to take this opportunity to remind students and parents that MOBILE PHONES are only to be used at teachers' discretion, it is NOT a right nor is it to be an expectation to use phones whenever students feel like it. 


            Key Dates 


            9th February – Charity bake sale 

            14th February - Valentines charity ‘non-uniform day’ (red or pink item should be worn) 

            20-22nd February – Russian week celebration in school, parent invited on the 22nd 




            Message from the Nursery Learning Assistant (Ms. Anna Amelina) 

            Добрый день, Уважаемые родители!  

            Вот и подошел к концу первый месяц обучения после продолжительных Новогодних каникул.  

            Детям было сложно погрузиться в учебный процесс, но мы справились .За небольшой период мы достигли многого .На наших занятиях мы продолжаем работу по совершенствованию  звуковой культуры речи ,грамматической правильности речи,воспитанию интереса к художественному слову и накоплению литературного багажа. В группе Nursery чаще всего организуем занятия,состоящие из одной части (чтение детям сказки,отработка четкого и правильного произношения звука и т.п.) На занятиях,кроме основной задачи, параллельно решаются и многие другие.Так ,например знакомство детей с новой сказкой является ведущей задачей занятия,но при этом преподаватель формирует у детей интонационную выразительность речи, активизирует словарь ,совершенствует звукопроизношение.  

            С детьми 3-4 лет проводятся также комбинированные занятия,состоящие из самостоятельных частей. 

            Допустимы самые разные варианты комбинирования: 

            -чтение произведения художественной литературы и отработка умения вести диалог; 

            -рассматривание сюжетной картины и игры на обогащение и активизацию словаря; 

            -дидактическая игра на формирование звукопроизношения и игры (упражнения на совершенствование грамматического строя речи). 

            Успех занятия во многом определяется тем,как сидят дети:они должны хорошо видеть преподавателя и демонстрируемый материал.На одних занятиях детям удобнее сидеть за столами,стоящими отдельно друг от друга; на других-детей целесообразнее рассадить полукругом;на третьих-младшим дошкольникам удобнее заниматься за столами,расположенными в ряд. 

            Весь уклад жизни детского сада способствует развитию речи детей.Работа по обогащению знаний и представлений дошкольников во всех сферах их деятельности (игровой,бытовой,образовательной-занятия изобразительной деятельностью ,музыкальные и т.д.).Своевременно усвоенная дошкольниками точная терминология,опирающаяся на конкретные представления,значительно повышает уровень их речевого развития,совершенствует культуру речевого общения. 

            Желаю всем прекрасных выходных и ждем Вас вновь на новой учебной неделе! 


            Message from the Year 4 Classroom (Mr. John Veshi) 

            Good afternoon Parents and Carers,

            It was so wonderful to see you all who had come to visit during our Term 3 Parent Teacher Conferences! Here is what took place during our week in Year 4: 

            This week in English students were introduced to a new style of poetry: Acrostic Poems! Using a topic, they were to write a word related to that topic vertically and start a sentence or idea with each letter. Students created wonderful poems about skateboards, animals, and even video games! During our grammar lessons we focused on subject/verb agreements and when to us –s/-s with singular or plural nouns. 

            Continuing our maths topic of multiplication, students were introduced to several methods that they can use to solve standard multiplication problems. We became experts in the circle/dot method as well as the box method. By the end of the week, we were multiplying two-digit by two-digit numbers! 

            Science lessons got REALLY LOUD this week! Using cups and plastic clingwrap, students got to witness and understand that sound moves in waves first hand. Placing sugar on top of the clingwrap and making sounds, boy did the sugar fly in the room that day! 

            Have a fantastic weekend! 

            Warm regards, 

            Mr. V 




            Message from Mr. Aleksei Sinkevich (Art Teacher) 

            Dear Parents and Guardians, 

            This term year 7 experiment with media and processes, such as printing techniques and will use a clay and alternatives, to develop initial drawings of texture on natural forms into abstract images or forms. They will focus on creating pattern by repeating shapes and colours. 

            In year 8 students create a poster to advertise an issue of their choice, for example recycling. Using digital media or conventional art materials, learners gather images and use design processes to develop a poster and a logo. They will consider the effects of different letter forms and fonts and explore how to create compositions combining text and image. They will also experiment with different colourways and compositions. At the end of the unit learners will create a final design which is presented to an audience outside of the classroom. 

            Year 9 are introduced to the chosen theme and explore possible responses in whole group discussions. Examples of work from a range of artists that relate to the theme in different ways. They may refer back to the work from previous unit and explore the emotional context of the theme. When gathering images to explore the theme, students encouraged to work as independently as possible, using a range of media such as photography, pencil, paint, collage and found objects. They reflect on past work and decide which media they would like to use, and they have time to experiment with these in order to develop their initial images. Students select at least one of the suggested artists from any that they have been exposed to over the previous units, to use as inspiration for developing their ideas and should come up with two different options for a final composition for a final outcome. 

            Year 11 Selecting of starting point and brainstorm ideas. Making a mind map with key words, ideas, inspiration artists and areas for further research. They will choose artists relevant to their final artwork for IGCSE.  
