Message from the Head of School (Mr. Daniel Brace)
A slightly wetter and windier week here at Gorky campus but there were still many opportunities for some excellent learning throughout the school, from ICT using models to Science “Cellular cakes” it has been very productive.
Mr Marius has been hard at work preparing the school football teams for our first ever inter-campus tournament, we are looking pretty good so far just don’t tell Skolkovo. Ms Amanda is also getting busy with preparations for our ‘Winter concert” event at the end of December, first call for auditions went out this week.
Thank you to those parents that attended the coffee morning on the 28th it was lovely to see you and to hear your suggestions. There will be some changes in upper primary next week which are being taken to reflect suggestions and improvements that we can facilitate throughout the year groups. We are sorry to say that we have to say goodbye to one of our teachers already due to personal issues – we wish them all the best and will be contacting the year group directly to introduce the new teacher replacing them.
I wish you all the best for the weekend and look forward to seeing many of you next week or in the upcoming “parent teacher consultations”.
Key Dates
Wednesday October 5th – “Heads up” coffee morning 0900 - 1000
Wednesday October 5th - Teachers' appreciation day
Friday 7th October – International Space Day
Message from the Head of Primary (Mr. Paul Curry)
We have reached the halfway point of Term 1 – the longest term of the year, but also for many reasons the most important, as students, teachers and indeed parents all get used to being back in school and forging new routines and relationships. I have been delighted with the positive vibes I get from walking around both buildings and diving into lessons that are full of variety and enthusiasm. I’ve taught a few lessons of English myself this week, and there really is nothing better than engaging with our students in educationally exciting topics, such as writing fantasy stories with Year 5.
We start our Monthly Value 2 from Monday, which is ‘Innovation’. For the first month of the year, we were focused on ‘ambition’, with students setting out on the long year ahead with hopefully ambitious ideas of what they want to achieve both in and out of school. One way of showing ambition is to be innovative, and I look forward to seeing our young people displaying and developing their innovative skills across many lessons.
Next week, we will have our second Primary House Event, linked with ‘innovation’. The challenge will be to create a new invention that will change the world! Credit will be given to imagination and unique ideas – no flying cars and no robot helpers because that’s what everyone usually comes up with!! In House Event 1, Tchaikovsky enjoyed the greatest success and claimed the 4 points across school, with Pushkin second, Yashin third, and Gagarin fourth. Better luck to Gagarin next week!
Finally, most of our students are wearing their uniforms with pride on a daily basis, but I am still seeing too many trainers (especially of non-dark colours) being worn by older children. Black or brown smart shoes is what we expect – our school looks great, so we want our children to look just as great too!
I wish you all a lovely Autumnal weekend!
Message from the Year 6 Teacher (Ms. Marna Greyling)
After the first month in Year 6 it seems that the children are starting to settle down. They are starting to get used to the new environment and to their new teacher. The academic standards in Year 6 are high due to the fact that they will be writing the Primary Progression Tests at the end of the year. We have nine months to prepare them for these tests, and for Secondary School.
We started to use 20 minutes in the beginning of each day with D.E.A.R. time – Drop.Everything.And.Read. Although the children didn’t like it at the beginning, I can see a remarkable improvement in their reading skills. Well done everyone!
During our English lessons we started to read the exciting book “Friend or Foe” by Michael Morpurgo. This is the delightful story of the adventures of two boys during WW2. I place a lot of emphasis on Spelling and Grammar as the children need to read and write well in order to excel in the Cambridge system. Therefor we will be writing a Spelling Test every Friday, and will complete many written tasks. During our Grammar lessons we are currently focusing on Punctuation and Past Tense. We write a lot, and we are slowly upgrading from pencil to pen.
Although the Math is more difficult than it was last year, in reality it is merely an extension of the work covered in Year 5. Having said that, all the children love Math and some of them show a real talent for the subject.
Science in Year 6 is an exciting journey where we will explore the Human Body, Electricity, Light, Magnetism and many other interesting topics. I will incorporate as many practical sessions as possible – I agree with the children that Science is the best subject in school! During this week we downloaded a Cellphone App to measure our Heartbeats, and the excitement ran high as we saw how fast our hearts were beating after jumping up and down for 2 minutes.
I believe that school offers so much more that academics. School shapes children’s personalities in a way that no amount of homeschooling or tutoring can achieve. School is the platform where they learn how to interact with peers, how to accept norms, and how to be tolerant to members of all groups. I love to see how my Year 6’s formed friendships in class as well as on the playground. They are beginning to show empathy towards others, and I watch with amazement how they develop into the socially responsible persons they are meant to be.
Message from the Head of Secondary (Mr. Christopher Kingshott)
Dear Parents, Guardians and Students
I hope that you are all well, Walking around the school, it has been great to see our walls in the classrooms and corridors of Secondary school taking shape. Teachers and students have been working tirelessly to make sure that the best of what our children have produced is displayed for everyone to see. It also helps makes our school environment a pleasant place to be. Some photos are attached.
I have been teaching some Mathematics this year to Year 8 and Year 9, and I just want to say what a pleasure it is to teach them, and I really commend them in terms of their eagerness to learn and overcome and solve problems. With the general dedication that they are showing currently, they can do anything. I wish you all a pleasant weekend.
Message from the Humanities and Science Teacher (Mr. Bradley Parker)
This week in class:
Global perspectives year 10 we are exploring culture. How do we define this word? What is culture? Is it the food we eat, the music we listen to? How about the clothes we wear? In short, YES it is all of those things. We will explore what this word means in detail and various types of culture. What does it mean to be Russian? Or Canadian? Do we have cultural differences? In this class we will dive into these topics and find out.
Year 11: We will be finishing our religion studies and presenting our findings with our slide presentations. So far the work I have seen has been nothing short of brilliant! After that we will be moving onto the subject of Power, Authority, & Governance. What is the difference between these three positions? Would a teacher be in a governance position? Perhaps one of authority? This class will break down what all three of these roles mean and how they fit into the world around us. We will finish this unit with a Ted-talk, looking forward to learning from my students!
In all science classes we will be preparing for international space day on October 7th.
Year 7- Posters and clay models on celestial objects. With a special presentation on the Parker Solar Probe.
Year 8- 3D map of the surface of Mars with a fully operational Mars Rover, additional posters and slides on Space-X.
Year 9- Two slide presentations. The first will be on the “Dear-moon project”...... What is it? You will find out! The second will be on the future of space travel, the space-X “starship and falcon 9 heavy rocket”.... These vehicles will be the future of mankind and you will have an opportunity to get an inside look and learn all about them in this presentation.
I am excited to show off all the amazing work my classes have been doing. I hope everyone has a great week!
Russian Curriculum:
Message from the Primary Russian Curriculum teacher (Ms.Alyona Sherbakova)
Осень глазами учащихся Y4 (2 класса)
Здравствуйте, уважаемые родители!
Много образовательных событий и открытий происходит в школьной жизни наших учеников , и в математике и в литературе, но сегодня особенно хочется поделиться успехами и талантом наших учащихся в русском языке.
На минувшей неделе у учеников Y4 случилась проба пера, учились писать сочинение по картине. Прорабатывали литературные приемы, продумывали как исключить повторение и подобрать синонимы, обсуждали, что можно написать о полотнах художников, которые так трепетно и реалистично преподнесли своё видение осеннего мира природы.
Описывать творения живописцев, несомненно, всегда сложно, а особенно юному писателю, но результат превзошел все ожидания. Ребята составляли текст-описание по холсту Ильи Семёновича Остроухова «Золотая осень», а также составляли свободный текст об осенней природе.
Искренность созданных учениками строк вдохновляет, ниже представлены цитаты из детских работ, отрывки о «Золотой осени» И.С. Остроухова:
«У нас перед глазами золотой, изумрудный, рубиновый, шоколадный листопад. Листья мягкие и теплые, как ковёр с длинным ворсом.»
«У меня было предчувствие, что я попаду в рай, так спокойно и тихо в золотом осеннем лесу.»
«Стоит дуб. Какие на нём драгоценные листья: золотые, жёлтые, зелёные, коричневые. Сороки идут по дорожке и болтают.»
«Позади тропинки стоят сиротливые дубы. Они почернели от дождей и ветров. На переднем плане, усыпанный листьями, стоит высокий клён. Он склонил свои ветви, потому что на них много золота. А оно же тяжёлое.»
«Передо мной картина И.С. Остроухова «Золотая осень». На картине изображена осень. На лесной поляне стоят ярко-жёлтые деревья. Разноцветный ковёр из сухих листьев. На поляне царит тишина. Только белобокие сороки тараторят на дороге. Мне понравилось на этой картине то, что там очень много разноцветных красок и красиво всё показано.»
«На картине я вижу призрака, он смотрит на меня, он чёрный, ой, мне страшно!» — это о могучих богатырях-дубах)
А вот и свободные тексты, с личными впечатлениями. Все мы видим осень по-разному, по-своему. Вот несколько авторских, интересных вариантов детей :
«Осень – ужасное времяпрепровождение. Кататься на скейте невозможно, перила и бордюры мокрые, как и дороги. Всё завалено листьями. Скейт-парки все мокрые. Все болеют.»
«Чем сильней ветер, тем больше резных листочков опускаются нам на плечи, дружелюбно обнимая нас.»
Сегодня поделилась драгоценным опытом наших детей. Надеюсь вы впечатлены. Этот месяц выдался по-настоящему осенний и у нас получилось прочувствовать и описать осень во всей её красе. Планов до конца первой четверти у нас много: попробовать на зубок тексты-рассуждения , описывать события, опираясь на факты, учитывая все детали и понемногу изучать эпистолярный жанр (письменный способ общения на расстоянии).
Хотелось бы пожелать вам хороших выходных и завершить письмо строками стихотворения Фёдора Ивановича Тютчева:
«Есть в осени первоначальной
Короткая, но дивная пора –
Весь день стоит как бы хрустальный,
И лучезарны вечера… .»