Message from the Head of School (Mr. Daniel Brace)
It has been a mixed week for us at Gorki this week. On one hand we had the opportunity to meet with parents across the school on Monday and Wednesday afterschool, enabling us to show how well our students are doing. We are able to welcome some more additions to the Gorki staff which will complete our staffing requirements allowing us to provide an even more effective experience for our students. On the other, we are saying goodbye to three more of our fantastic team – we wish them all the best in their future endeavors and thank them for all their help, support and professionalism over the years. We will miss you very much.
A reminder to our year 11’s - it is almost mock exam time so please ensure you have discussed revision plans with your teachers and make time in the break to keep up with your revision. As requested, we will be providing some additional work for students to complete at home and over the holidays to ensure they are in the best possible place when the term recommences on the 9th January.
Please ensure students are attending school right until the end of term as there are end of topic tests, revision sessions and information events relating to the exams that should not be missed. It is also the time for end of term reports to be written and we need as much data as possible to give the best picture of each students’ progress and attainment levels. Have a great weekend and enjoy the group of 16 for the world cup.
Key Dates
Wc 5th December – charity week
Wc 12th December – school winter concert week
Term 2 ends – 16th December at 1200
Term 3 begins - 09th January at 0830
Mock exams begin 16th January
Message from the Head of Primary (Mr. Paul Curry)
Dear parents,
We reach the final month of the calendar year, and the main focus of our attention is now on our Winter concerts and events. In the Upper building, Ms Amanda and class teachers have been hard at work rehearsing their roles in the ‘Elf’ production, whilst in the Lower building our teachers and assistants have been helping the children learn their songs and dances for our ‘New Year Party’-themed presentation. Positive collaboration is key to making these events a success, and that is why it is our latest monthly theme – people young and not-so-young working together for the benefit of everyone.
Our classrooms, and school in general, are looking very festive now as we look forward to the Christmas and New Year holidays. Lower building had a lot of fun decorating their rooms, with help from parents, and Year 2 took time out to decorate the tree in the reception area. May I remind Lower building parents that we have four Christmas trees on school grounds allocates to each House, and you are all invited to bring in decorations and make each tree shiny and beautiful. The best one will win that House Event competition. I have noticed two things, however: Year 1’s classroom is not as festive as the others, and Pushkin’s Christmas tree is the same. In the spirit of collaboration, it would be wonderful if the children from other classes and houses, with assistance from parents, could help out Year 1 and Pushkin’s children to decorate these areas.
New staff joined our team this week, too. Ms Alexandra became the new Learning Assistant for Year 2, replacing Ms Marina who left us recently due to relocation. In addition, Ms Elizaveta became the new nanny for Nursery, replacing Ms Anastasiya. We look forward to making further staffing announcements shortly, and we hope you get the opportunity to meet and welcome our new staff when dropping off or collecting your children. Just to remind you too, that Mr Arno – our new Year 2 class teacher – will be absent for the final two weeks of term as he needs to return to South Africa and collect a new work visa. He will be back for the start of Term 3, and I will be taking Year 2 lessons until December 16. I look forward to spending more quality time with the class.
Finally, mid-year reports will be issued in the last week of term and, to get the best comments and results, coming to school every day and on time is essential. So please continue doing that until December 16!
Have a great weekend, and be careful on all that ice underfoot!
Mr Paul
Message from the Year 2 Teacher (Mr. Arno Greyling)
Dear parents,
I would like to introduce myself as the new teacher of the Year 2 class. I have had an amazing two weeks teaching at CIS Gorki and getting to know the students and my colleagues.
During my short time teaching Year 2, we spent a great deal of time on English and Maths. We studied digraphs such as ‘sh’, ‘ph’, ‘ch’, and ‘wh’ during the English lessons and the students were extremely motivated to make sentences with words starting or ending with the new digraphs that they had learnt.
During the Maths lessons, we focused on telling the time. I was amazed by the fact that the students not only quickly learnt how to read and write time digitally, but they had the ability to tell time using English vocabulary as well. They understood time phrases such as “o’clock” and “half past one” in no time!
We had exciting lessons such as ICT and Art as well. The students studied different parts of a computer, typed full sentences in English, and made an educational craft based on a functional laptop.
The students were especially verbally engaged during Science lessons when we discussed different types of materials and what we use them for. We spoke a lot about recycling and the benefits of reusing everyday items.
I wish you all a pleasant weekend!
Mr Arno Greyling and the Year 2 Team.
Message from the Head of Secondary (Mr. Christopher Kingshott)
Dear Parents and Guardians,
With the holiday season upon us, it is important to remember this as a time for family as well as a good time for giving. Whilst, we might take the privaledge of a warm coat for granted, there are some that cannot afford. Over the next couple of weeks, we are going to be running a number of charity inititives. We are going to be fulfilling the Christmas wishes of students with less than privaledged circumstances around the local area. We will also continue to support the dog shelter and continue collecting clothes for others. This weekend, some of our Year 10 and Year 11 students are going to be volunteering at a sports festival for children with disabilities. Well done to them, and I am sure that there support will be appreciated.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Message from Joshua Levy (Computer Science Teacher)
Dear parents and guardians,
It has been a great start to this academic year, with positive results and significant improvements across the learning years. I for myself being a computer science teacher been pleasantly surprised by the rapid progression of students’ interest within this subject. However, one thing which lies at the core of learning progression are handwriting skills, which not only define a student’s personality but develop critical thinking skills along with perfection of linguistics. Whilst, computer science might not be a core subject intrinsically linked, nevertheless, iGCSE exams are explicitly based on writing and explanation skill and technique.
How can parents encourage handwriting in children?
One way is to encourage your child to make a note of any ideas that come to mind. No idea is a bad idea at this stage! Some techniques to help idea inspiration include.
1. Mind maps
2. Cut out pictures to make collages and storylines
3. Category lists
Note down interesting things they have seen or experienced during school times or writing about an interesting holiday.
Another way to encourage your child to write is by describing a picture in words. There are so many resources children could use that are lying around the house! In the case of computing, you could ask your child to describe their ideal mobile or computer device.
There are several outstanding resources for handwriting development, which include: Nelson handwriting course (Nelson Handwriting ( and Teach Handwriting
Russian Curriculum
Message from the Nursery Learning Assistant (Ms. Anna Amelina)
Подготовка детей к обучению грамоте занимает особое место в развитии детской речи. Грамота-это владение умением читать и писать тексты, излагать свои мысли в письменной форме, понимать при чтении не только значение отдельных слов и предложений, но и смысл текста, т.е. овладение письменной речью. От того, как ребенок будет введен в грамоту ,во многом зависят его успехи не только в чтении и письме, но и в усвоении русского языка в целом.
В начале учебного года в своей работе с группой Nursery я проводила следующие занятия: знакомство с гласными звуками, уточняла, что звуки, при образовании которых воздух проходит свободно, этим звукам ничего «не мешает»-ни зубы, ни губы, ни язык, называются гласными. В своей работе я использую пальчиковые игры, которые не только развлекают малышей, а еще и помогают взрослым развивать у ребенка координацию движений ,стимулировать развитие речевых навыков, активизировать память, мышление, развивать творческое мышление и внимание.
Дети в процессе обучения с удовольствием изучают народные песенки,потешки ,пестушки -которые также представляют собой прекрасный речевой материал.Занятия носят комбинированный характер ,каждое из которых включает в себя несколько программных задач .На занятии я предлагаю детям как новый материал ,так и материал для повторения и закрепления усвоенных знаний. Во время занятий широко применяю игровые методы, которые направлены на повторение, уточнение и расширение знаний, умений и навыков детей в области грамоты.Так как дошкольный возраст-это возраст игры, то и обучение проводится в игровой форме.
На прошлой неделе в пятницу,25 ноября Ассамблея была посвящена теме «Животные».В наших занятиях с группой Nursery мы очень часто разговариваем и читаем о животных. Животные также встречаются на страницах наших учебников. Они нам помогают изучать много нового и интересного. Например:делаем пальчиковую гимнастику.
Игра-один из тех видов детской деятельности,которая используется взрослыми в целях обучения,что позволяет создать ситуации успеха для каждого ребенка,доброжелательную,творческую атмосферу на занятиях.По итогам обучения на данный момент я вижу,что у детей появился стимул и желание получать новые знания, делать новые открытия,покорять новые вершины в обучении!