• 25.03.22 Friday Bulletin #23

            From Primary School:

            Information letter from Mr. Paul, Head of Primary School

            Dear parents and students,

            Another busy week at CIS Gorki comes to an end, and our hardworking teachers and students can look back at more successful and productive lessons.  As we edge towards Spring, and warmer weather, I'm hopeful that we can get students outside in lesson time for practical activities alongside the always-important classroom-based learning.  Students enjoy a change of scenery, and doing things that are a bit different from more traditional education - learning about weather, temperature, nature etc is really enhanced by being able to see it in real life.

            Rehearsals for next week's Gorki's Got Talent show continue (see photos) and I am really looking forward to seeing the final performances in seven days.  Don't forget - if your son or daughter is taking part, you are invited to attend the show.  It will be on Friday 1 April, starting at 14:00.  Breakdancing and hula hoops will make an appearance.

            Mr. Paul Curry
            Head of Primary

            Mr David in Year 1 would like to say a few words:

            Dear all parents,

            Welcome back to our new term! We are delighted to have the children back in class and to pick up where we left off from our last term. We have hit the ground running and the children have been completing some magnificent work so far already!

            In English we have started looking at genres of texts and stories! We have explored lots of different types of genres such as adventure, action, fairy tale, and horror. In Maths we have been looking at fractions with a focus on halves and quarters. The children have grasped these concepts very quickly and we have been very impressed with their work ethic.

            This week we started our brand-new topic Habitats! The children have been very excited about our new topic and have shown brilliant enthusiasm towards this topic. We have been learning all about the different habitats in our world and the animals that live in them. Additionally, our new project is learning all about careers and what the children would like to be when they grow up!

            As always, thank you very much for your continued support with all of our work and efforts!


            Mr David and the Year 1 Team

            Also, here are some comments from...me...about Year 5: 

            Since taking over the class last week, I have been very happy with the enthusiasm and commitment to learning shown by the students.  In English, we worked on autobiographical writing, with students creating a mini book all about their life so far, and what they hope for in the future.  There were some very interesting stories to tell, and dreams hoping to be fulfilled.  We have now moved on to the final main topic of the year, which is centred on giving opinions.

            In Maths, we have worked on adding and subtracting money, and also a general review of various topics covered during the year.  In Science, the final focus of the year is on space and planets, which I know is always a popular topic for many students.  I was really impressed with the base knowledge of some quite technical aspects of our galaxy.  

            The main focus these past few days, however, has been preparing for the class assembly this morning.  It was on the monthly value of 'communication' and students presented huge posters that they created in lesson time, and also explained why communication is so important, and the different ways we can communicate with others - Mr Paul

            Finally, we will be announcing our latest excursion in the coming days and we anticipate all students having a great time.  Watch this space.....

            Have a great weekend,


            Mr Paul Curry

            Head of Primary


            From Secondary School:

            Information letter from Mr Christopher, Head of Secondary School

            Dear Parents and Guardians,

            I hope that you are well.

            For the week beginning, Monday the 28.03.22, we will run our second Parent-Teacher conferences. These meetings will be on zoom, although you can request an in person meeting. We believe that the Parent-Teacher-Student relationship is important, and such meetings help to strengthen those bonds, and give parents an opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback on their child’s progress. You can find details on attending this event through the Edupage app or our telegram channel.For next week also, we are showing our variety show ‘Gorki’s got talent’, which gives our students the opportunity to show off some of their talents. It has been great watching the students rehearse. We hope you are all excited to see the show.

            Christopher Kingshott

            Head of Secondary


            Message from Mr. Hubbard (Performing Arts and Year 7 Form Tutor)

            Dear CIS Community.Drum roll please...

            Cambridge’s Got Talent is fast approaching; I believe every person is born with talent as Maya Angelou once said, our children have been dusting off their Ballet Tutu’s, polishing their dancing shoes and warming up their vocal chords. All for entertaining the parents of our wonderful students. A talent show is all about the performers practising, devising, and staging a routine in front of an audience for a set time, this helps the students build confidence, teamwork, social skills, and friendships, as well as giving the audience and performers a memory to last forever. You will see dancers, gymnastics, actors, and singers, and perhaps a few new things we have never witnessed on a stage before. Of course, our Cambridge’s Got Talent show is fully audience participation, so please bring you clapping hands, stomping feet, and loudest cheering voice.

            Take care and stay safe.

            Kind regards,

            Mr Hubbard (Performing Arts and Year 7 form tutor)

          • 18.03.2022 Friday Bulletin #22

            From Primary School:

            Information letter from Mr. Paul, Head of Primary School

            Dear parents and students,

            A belated welcome back to Term 4!  

            Last week, we hosted another special event in the Lower Building - a celebration of International Women's Day.  It was great to see many mums join us for a couple of hours of fun activities, and enjoy being part of our growing community.  We will continue to aim to have more events like this where parents and children are together in our school for part of a day.

            Looking ahead, next Friday afternoon (April 1) we will be having our annual Gorki's Got Talent show.  Many of our students are already rehearsing for this - singers, dancers, gymnasts, magicians, sporting exhibitions, and who knows what else?!  If your son or daughter is performing, you are welcome to join us on this day and watch the show!  More details a little closer to the time...

            Mr. Paul Curry

            Head of Primary

            Just the one update from teachers this week - Year 6 and Ms Stacey:

            Welcome back to school everyone! 

            What a great start Year 6 have had to the term. It has been great to see all of their smiling faces and eagerness to learn. We have some very excited members of the class, who are enthusiastic about taking part in our upcoming talent show.

            This term in English, we have begun our investigation into different views about topics. We are reading and summarising information. Also, we are making comparisons and will be discussing a range of controversial issues. We are going to be developing and expressing our opinions further and take part in mini debates. In Science, we will be reviewing our understanding of electricity and in Maths furthering our knowledge of translation, rotation and reflections. 

            We have a very busy term ahead of us! Thank you for your continued support.



            Miss Stacey (Year 6 Teacher)

            Well, the sun is shining, and temperatures are rising, so let's hope Winter is behind us, and Spring has sprung!

            Have a pleasant week,


            From Secondary School:

            Information letter from Mr Christopher, Head of Secondary School

            Dear Parents and Guardians,

            I hope you are all well and are enjoying the increase in temperature. 

            We released our most recent reports for your child during the holiday period. On the back of these, we will be having our Parent, Teacher, Student conferences next week so that you can discuss your child's progress. We will be sending out information about these conferences in the next couple of days.

            Our year 10's and 11's recently went on a school trip to the Moscow City museum and VR experience. A great time was had by all, learning about the detailed history of Moscow city and the effort that went into constructing such an architectural project.

            Despite the current circumstances in the world today, we continue to operate as a school confidently. However, we do understand the concerns some may have, and as always, I am happy to meet with and answer anybody's queries.

            I hope that you all have a lovely week.

            Christopher Kingshott

            Head of Secondary


            Message from Mr. William (Mathematics Teacher and Year 10 Form Tutor)

            Dear CIS Community.

            After a hopefully relaxing and enjoyable holiday, we started our fourth term with CIS.

            Year 7 have now started Chapter 6 on Presenting Data, and we will be working on frequency tables, surveys and questionnaires. 

            Year 8 are in the middle of Chapter 6 on Statistics, and we have been working on frequency tables, surveys and the advantages and disadvantages between questionnaires and interviews. 

            Year 9 are in the middle of Chapter 7 on "Rounding, Multiplying and Dividing", where we looked at Scientific Notation which deals with huge and tiny numbers, which allowed us to look at the scale of objects in the universe ranging from the very small to the very large. We showed them a fascinating simulation showing minor things in the universe to the most considerable things.

            Year 10 are working through finishing their Unit 2 and will be doing a test at the end of the week. Next week, they will be going on to do Geometry. Homework will mostly be Cambridge exam-type questions, so students get used to the questions they will see in their exams.

            Year 11 are working through Cambridge Exam past papers in preparation for their IGCSE exams, and they are going through about 3 of them per week. We are also studying Probability & Statistics in between doing past papers. Next week, we will also be compiling a portfolio of evidence for each student, which will consist of completed exam papers.

            Study materials for all classes are regularly uploaded to Edupage to help students with their studies.

            During my lessons, I like to show the uses of Mathematics in real life, and we complete Mathematics Kahoots so I can see how students are with the lesson content.

            The school recently purchased a class set of Casio scientific calculators for students to use during the lesson. I would encourage each student to have a Casio scientific calculator at home to get to know the functions of the calculator and use them with confidence. 

            If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me anytime via Edupage.

            Take care and stay safe.

            Kind regards,

            Mr McQueen (Mathematics Teacher and Year 10 Form Tutor)


            Message from the Russian Curriculum Teachers


             Январь и февраль для обучающихся, осваивающих российскую образовательную программу, стал очередным этапом подведения итогов. Вся работа была нацелена на подготовку и выполнение модульных аттестационных работ в Year 7, Year 8, Year 9,

            Year 10, Year 11. Сейчас мы ждём оценок и надеемся на успешные результаты.

            Наиболее сложным этот период стал для Year 11, кроме выполнения модульных аттестационных работ и кембриджских пробных экзаменов, им предстояло получить допуск к ГИА за курс основной школы. Допуском к государственным экзаменам является успешное прохождение собеседования, проверяющее по ФГОС развитие устной речи и уровень коммуникативной компетенции. Собеседование состоит из 4 заданий: выразительного чтения предложенного текста, его пересказа с использованием небольшого дополнительного материала, небольшого монолога по одной из предложенных тем и диалога с экзаменатором по выбранной теме. Наши ребята успешно прошли это испытание. Получили «зачёт» и были допущены до итоговой аттестации. Далее нам предстоит подготовиться и 15 июня так же успешно сдать ОГЭ по русскому языку. ОГЭ по русскому языку состоит из изложения, тестовых заданий, проверяющих знания русского языка за курс 5-9 классов, и сочинения. Продолжительность экзамена 3 часа 55 минут. Итоговая отметка по русскому языку в аттестат будет выставлена с учётом годовой и экзаменационной. Будем готовиться.

            На уроках литературы ученики 5 класса знакомятся с произведениями русских классиков: Л.Н. Толстого, А.С. Пушкина, М.Ю. Лермонтова, Н.А. Некрасова, И.С. Тургенева и пр. Хочется отметить, что изучение литературы влечет за собой разбор исторических событий, в контексте которых были написаны данные произведения. Дети учились выстраивать дискуссии, обсуждения и споры на предмет таких нравственных понятий, как благородство, честь, отвага, верность. Разбирая художественные произведения 19 века, учеников живо заинтересовала тема крепостного права, бесправия, подавления воли людей. Безусловно, ученикам интереснее работать над темами, которые им хочется исследовать. Как результат, сочинения, эссе и изложения по 19 веку получились очень эмоциональные и наполненные неожиданными выводами! Следовательно, эти знания помогут нашим ученикам мыслить и выражать свои рассуждения открыто!

            В феврале же в классах на уроках литературы и на классных часах начался серьёзный разговор о роли чтения в развитии личности. Трудно переоценить в этом процессе роль чтения, благодаря ему у нас развивается мышление, воображение, память, речь, и чем раньше мы станем это понимать, тем успешнее будет наша жизнь. Именно это мы и хотели донести до наших учеников. Пробудить интерес к чтению мы попытались, опираясь на тех, кто любит читать, кого мы часто видим с книгой и в школьной библиотеке, и в перерывах между уроками. Да, есть у нас в школе такие ребята! К ним-то мы и обратились с просьбой рассказать в презентации об интересной книге и представить её в классах. Откликнулись многие, и не только дети, но и учителя. Самыми активными были ребята из Year 7, они вместе с Мс Еленой посетили классные часы в нескольких классах, рассказывали о прочитанных книгах увлечённо как на русском, так и на английском языках. Рассказали об интересных книгах мисс Елена, учитель русского языка и литературы, мистер Алексей, учитель искусства.

            У старшеклассников наибольший интерес вызвала повесть Анатолия Алексина «Безумная Евдокия», в которой на фоне советской школы 20 века поднимаются проблемы, возникающие в отношениях между людьми во все времена. Пусть школьники сейчас не носят пионерские галстуки и не играют в «Зарницу», но проблемы отношений родителей и детей, родителей и учителей, детей и учителей возникают и сейчас. И нам необходимо научиться решать их, анализируя своё поведение, вырабатывая правильную позицию. Именно этому и учит повесть Анатолия Алексина. Думаю, именно поэтому и захотелось старшеклассникам прочитать её. Так интересно и увлекательно и читать произведения, и делиться своими эмоциями!


            Мс Вера Николаевна – учитель русского языка и литературы

            Мс Елена – учитель русского языка и литературы