• 23.09.2022 Friday Bulletin #29

            Message from the Head of School (Mr. Daniel Brace): 


            It was great to see so many of our parents, and school community, this week during our “meet the teacher” events. We were able to meet 30 parents allowing them the opportunity of providing us with valuable feedback as well as seeing their children's classes (and teachers) in action.  There will be other opportunities to meet with the teachers and staff if you were unable to make it to this event. We will be sending the first terms events calendar home soon so please look out for this as it will have some important information on the events and activities our students, and wider school community, will be asked to be involved up to the winter break. 


            Please can we stress the importance of ensuring students are in school on time and in full uniform, it is a difficult way to start the day if we are moaning right from the start. This is necessary to ensure that the school looks and feels ready to learn right from the outset and to maintain discipline within the campus. Please may I also take this opportunity to remind parents and students of the requirement to wear our ID at all times on the campus.  


            Please see the separate communication regarding the parents' council to see how you can help us to improve the school environment and community. The invitation will hopefully answer any questions you may have and I do hope that you will be able to help us with school communication and consultation. 


            All student homework should be available to you to check and engage with in EDUPAGE according to the timetable given. Please feel free to contact the teachers via the edupage account if you are experiencing difficulty with this. As a reminder there is EDUPAGE assistance available each morning (tue-fri) at the secondary reception desk. 


            Key Dates:


            Wednesday 28th Sept. – Head of School coffee morning 0900 – 1000 in the upper building 

            Wednesday 5th Oct. - Gorki Vs Skolkovo Campus 5-a-side football – 1330 football pitch (secondary) 

            Friday 7th Oct.Gorki space day as part of International Space week (4th –10th Oct)  




            Message from the Head of Primary (Mr. Paul Curry): 


            Dear parents, 


            The ‘settling-in’ period at the start of each academic year is always a very important time, and now that we are into our third week of school, most of our students have successfully settled back into their routines and are enjoying mixing with new friends, new teachers, and in new surroundings. 


            Already the weather is starting to turn towards being a little wintry – there hasn’t been much sun this week, and more than a bit of rain has meant indoor play at times.  However, it is always very important for our children to get fresh air and run about during the school day, so can I politely remind everyone to ensure appropriate outdoor clothing is worn each day, which obviously incudes a thick coat, boots, hat, scarf and gloves.  We want our children enjoying outdoor break without the risk of catching a cold! 


            Thank you to those parents who joined us this week to meet Primary class teachers and enjoy productive discussions with members of management.  Meeting with our parents on a regular basis is important to us, and there will continue to be ample opportunity throughout the year.   


            Finally, we held our first House event of the year today – a general knowledge form-time quiz.  Results will be sent to parents via EduPage once I’ve totted up all the scores, and I’ll also send the quiz itself too if you want to try and outscore your child! 


            Have a lovely weekend! 


            Message from Mr Joshua Prinsloo (Reception Teacher):


            Dear all parents,   

            On behalf of the Early Years team, I would like to welcome you all to the new academic year. The first term is well underway and most of the children have already settled in their new classes. The children in Early Years usually adapt in their classrooms after two to three weeks. While there still may be a few tears in the mornings, these unhappy emotions turn completely around rather quickly when everyone becomes busy with our daily activities.    

            We are also happy to announce that the first week of our curriculum has successfully commenced. We all, including the children, are very excited and motivated to achieve all the goals and targets set. Learning is a vital part of a child’s life as it is a continuous process as the child grows up. In Early Years we provide your child with a safe and secure environment where this learning can take place.   

            This week we started to learn the first set of phonemes. A phoneme, in linguistics, is the smallest unit of speech distinguishing one word (or word element) from another, as the element ‘p’ in ‘tap’, which separates that word from ‘tab, tag and tan’. It is the sound each letter, or digraph produces. The children learn a new phoneme each day. There are four phonemes in a set, therefore the children will learn a new set every week. We have learned the phonemes ‘s, a, t and p’ this week.    

            We have focused on numbers and counting during our mathematics lessons this week. After a long holiday it is important to refresh our minds again and reinforce previously learned information. This week we have learned to count from 0 – 20. The children are also in the process to learn to identify, read and write the numbers in random order.    

            This year, reception will focus on their reading and writing skills and as a result we will spend a good time in practising our handwriting skills. We would like to encourage everybody to continue working and improving on their handwriting skills on weekends or other days off from school.    

            Thank you for your continued support!   


            Mr Joshua and the Reception Team 






            Message from the Head of Secondary (Mr. Christopher Kingshott):


            Dear Parents, Guardians and Students, 


            I hope that you are all well. 


            It was great to see several parents at the Meet the Teacher events that we held on Monday and Wednesday. The experience was valuable as parents were able to place faces with the teachers, and see them teaching their children in their learning environment. When our first set of reports comes out towards the end of the term, we will have another session where you will be able to discuss your child's progress. A strong parent-teacher relationship is important, so please feel free to reach out to any of our teachers, if you want to discuss your child. I also welcome any of you to meet with me, should you have a queries or feedback. 


            Several big events are currently in the works for this academic term, with our first one being International Space Day at the beginning of October. More information on this to follow shortly.  


            Message from the Drama Teacher and Year 7 Form Tutor (Amanda Paiva): 


            Dear CIS Community,  


            I am indeed pleased at the remarkable and dramatic start our young stars have had this term! Everyone has been super enthusiastic and have shared their ideas and thoughts on how they want to contribute with their creativity and talent to the performing arts programme here at CIS Gorky.  


            Upper Primary have been exploring drama concepts from mime to storytelling and dramatic expression. Our lessons are packed with bursts of energy and action as we journey through vast jungles, dive deep in to the oceans and climb high peeks while we explore the amazing world of ‘Imagination.’ 


            From year 7-9 students have devised and improvised amazing content and have worked on group tasks aimed at developing and supporting their speaking, and listening skills. Throughout secondary it has been a pleasure to witness amazing talent, enthusiasm and a love for performing arts.  


            I am excited to state that groundwork is in place to present the Winter Musical Production!! This would be a great opportunity for students across the school to demonstrate and develop their skills in drama, music and dance!! More details will follow in due course.  


            Amanda Paiva 

            Drama Teacher  



            Russian Curriculum 


            Message from the Russian Language and Literature Teacher Y9-Y11 (Ms Vera): 

            О роли домашних заданий в изучении русского языка  


            Подходит к концу 3-я учебная неделя нашего нового учебного года. Прошло обаяние первого школьного праздника, восстановился прежний режим учебных дней, на уроках прошло повторение тем, изученных в предыдущих классах. Впереди серьёзная работа, которая принесёт новые знания 


            В этом учебном году с целью повышения качества обучения русскому языку и литературе в 5-9 классах изменена система домашних заданий по данным предметам. По новой системе домашнее задание задаётся после каждого урока, а не один раз в неделю, но при этом объём его такой, что на выполнение планируется не более 15-20 минут. Домашнее задание проверяется учителем ежедневно у всех учащихся. Начинать выполнение домашних заданий рекомендуется с работы над ошибками. Чтобы на его выполнение не уходило больше времени, следует внимательно читать формулировку заданий и умело пользоваться аппаратом учебника. На странице 3 каждого из наших учебников даны условные обозначения, в конце учебников размещены различные памяткивсё это поможет ориентироваться в заданиях и быстро справляться с ними. Выполнение домашних заданий обязательно для всех, так как они задаются для того, чтобы закрепить изученную тему или повторить пройденное и подготовиться к изучению нового материала 


            Задача уроков русского языканаучить учащихся грамотно говорить и писать, а значит, и грамотно мыслить. Сошлюсь на мнение русского писателя А.Н.Толстого, который сказал, что «обращаться с языком кое-какзначит и мыслить кое-как: неточно, приблизительно, неверно». Учиться обращаться с языком НЕ кое-как помогают нам и уроки литературы. Домашние задания по литературе чаще всего бывают устные: это чтение, пересказ, ответы на вопросы, выразительное чтение стихотворений наизусть. Как и задания по русскому языку, они способствуют развитию речи, творческого мышления, памяти. В учебниках они распределены по рубрикам «Проверь себя», «Размышляем над прочитанным», «Обогащаем свою речь», «Учимся читать выразительно», «Читаем самостоятельно». Ключевое слово, объединяющее все рубрики, - «ЧТЕНИЕ». И хотя на выполнение подобных заданий тоже рекомендуется 15-20 минут, мы советуем учащимся читать художественные произведения постоянно, каждый день, потому что трудно переоценить роль чтения в обучении и развитии 


            Летом, перед уходом на каникулы, ребята получили список произведений, рекомендованных для чтения. Список очень интересный. В нём, кроме программной литературы, каждый из учащихся может найти «что-то своё». К данному списку можно обращаться в течение всего учебного года. Прочитанные произведения можно представить и на уроках внеклассного чтения, и на читательской конференции, и на ассамблее, и на других интересных школьных мероприятиях. Подготовка к подобным мероприятиям тоже бывает домашним заданием, только времени на её выполнение даётся больше: неделя, 10 дней и более. Это может быть сочинение, проект, исследование, выступление, презентация, инсценирование и т.п 


            Только постоянная, системная работа и на уроках, и дома поможет нам понять, что «русский язык в умелых руках и опытных устах красив, певуч, выразителен, гибок, послушен, ловок и вместителен». 


            Учитель русского языка и литературы  

            Вера Николаевна 




          • 16.09.2022 Friday Bulletin #28

            Message from the Head of School (Mr. Daniel Brace)

            Second week in and already the students are starting to adapt to some of the new methods and expectations put upon them, well done to all of you that are embracing your role in developing your growth mindset and educational experience.

            We are now at the part of the year where we need to begin to tighten up our rules to ensure that the school is an orderly and disciplined environment where our students feel safe and supported enough to engage with their teachers and classmates.

            This week we will be focusing on our uniform and attendance standards within the school as per our agreed policies. In order for this drive to be effective and meaningful we need support from home to ensure that the children have access to the full and correct uniform and that they are brought to school in a timely manner each and every school day. A 10% drop in attendance at school often causes a reduction in progress and attainment which dramatically impacts students’ final grades.

            I will be sending emails home to those students that are not in full or correct uniform starting from the end of this week. This will, effectively, allow time for all our students to obtain the correct uniform and meet our expectations in this area. We truly appreciate your support in this matter and know that you will understand the benefit that a disciplined and “uniformed’ learning environment has when trying to challenge ‘learners to learn’.


            Key Dates


            19th – 22nd September – meet the teacher events

            26th September – Uniform policy in full effect

            28th September – “Heads up” coffee morning 0900-1000




            Message from the Head of Primary (Mr. Paul Curry)


            Dear parents and students,

            Once again, a very warm welcome back to the new academic year at CIS Gorki Primary and, for those new families who have joined us over the summer, a special welcome to what we will strive to make a positive and productive experience for everyone.

            Whilst it has only been two weeks of teaching and learning, I can already see really good things happening in and out of the classroom.  Our returning teachers – Ms Anna, Mr Joshua, Mr John and Mr Georgy – have effortlessly slipped back into school routines and practices, whilst our new members of staff – Ms Jeanelle, Mr Peter, Mr Mariano and Ms Marna – are already showing fresh ideas and imagination in their roles.  I feel we have a great mix of vibrant, professional personalities in our team!

            The main thing, however, that I have noticed in these early days has been the happy, enthusiastic attitude from our most important people – our students, your children.  Dropping into classrooms this week, and seeing the variety of teaching and learning styles and experiences taking place has been great to see, and the response from students was hugely positive – it bodes well for the rest of the academic year.  Happy students equals a happy school!

            As always, I am more than happy to receive messages from parents, and will respond to each and every one.  Your queries and suggestions are welcomed throughout the year.  Together we will make it a hugely successful one!


            Kind regards,

            Mr Paul Curry




            Message from the Year 4 Teacher (Mr John Veshi)


            Good afternoon parents and carers of CIS Gorki,

            My name is Mr. Veshi and our Year 4 students are off to a great start to the year. All the children are eager in their studies and excited for the school year ahead. Here are a few of the highlights from our second full week of school:

            In our English lessons, Student Council nominations took place with three great candidates! Each student was to write a speech and express their reasonings as to why they should be the representative for our class. Candidates focused on persuading their peers on key topics like being the voice of Year 4 and getting more playground equipment for Upper Primary. Congratulations to our young man who was chosen for this role!

            During our maths lessons, we continued discussing place value and number sequences before introducing ourselves to the new topic of negative numbers. In this lesson, students rolled a dice and had to move their token across the game board, either in a positive or negative direction. Once a student went beyond plus 10/minus 10, that student won a point. At the end of ten minutes, the student with the most points wins!

            In one of our special areas courses, students enjoyed learning about input and output devices in ICT class. Thanks to Mr. Josh, our class got hands-on access to motherboards and CPUs from personal computers.

            It is an exciting time to be at school and in the Year 4 classroom here at CIS Gorki!


            Warm regards,

            Mr. V




            Message from the Head of Secondary (Mr. Christopher Kingshott)

            Dear Parents, Guardians and Students,

            Walking around the school and reengaging with the students after a long summer has been great, and I cannot believe how much they have grown after not seeing them for the summer period. I really wish to commend them on how they have conducted themselves over the last two weeks, with there being so many occurrences of positive behavior across our classes. This has made our position as educators so much more joyful, because of the commitment they are showing to their studies. Many students also look very smart in their CIS uniform!

            I would also like to welcome all our new teachers to the campus, and in some cases Russia. I also welcome back our returning teachers. The level of education being provided in the classes I have observed has been excellent, and I really do appreciate the time and effort put into planning such engaging lessons.

            If you are a parent, please do not forget to regularly speak to me, as I am always open to feedback and would really like to get to know everyone more.

            I wish you all a restful weekend.

            Message from John Pedersen (Humanities Teacher and Phase Leader)

            On behalf of the entire Secondary team, I would like to welcome our CIS Families, both returning and new, to the new academic year.

            The first newsletter of the year is always full of… news!
            These weeks are certainly hectic for our students as they adapt to the return to school and the end of summer freedom. 

            Of course, the reality of Baseline Tests in the first few weeks can be quite the shock, but please be assured that these tests are purely diagnostic to allow teachers to more accurately target the learning needs of all students. So, while the grades are published on Edupage, they will not be counting towards the grades the students will be awarded at the end of this term.
            In other news, last week the secondary students elected their Student Council representatives for the first half of the year. Expressions of interest were called for from each class in Secondary and then the candidates had to give a brief speech in front of their Form.  This was followed by a secret ballot culminating in the final selection of the Council.
            The Student Council is:
            Year 7: 

            Nikolai Gagarin

            Alan Khadartsev


            Year 8:

            Kirill Silnikov

            Zlatoslava Isaeva


            Year 9: 

            Uliana Ignatova

            Mikaela Khartseva


            Year 10:           

            Maria Ignatova

            Rafael Abdurakhimov


            Year 11:           

            Polina Zakhirova

            Martin Milrud


            The Student Council has already had their first meeting where they brainstormed initiatives they would like to pursue and this has already been passed to the Senior Leadership Team for discussion.

            The House System is also looking to expand its activities this year and the first competitions will be held next week. New students will have been assigned to their houses shortly.

            As always, please feel free to contact teachers through Edupage if you have any queries or questions.

            Mr Pedersen

            Phase Leader and Humanities Teacher



            Russian Curriculum

            Message from the Russian Curriculum Coordinator (Ms. Anastasia Marcheva) and the Head of Russian Curriculum (Ms. Yulia Polyanskaya)


            Здравствуйте, уважаемые родители и ученики!

            Поздравляем вас с началом учебного года! Каким он будет? Что принесёт с собой? Вопросы, на которые сложно ответить сейчас, но точно можно знать, что многое зависит от нас с вами. Какие возможности будут доступны нашим детям в процессе обучения, что нового они узнают, какая помощь нужна как в школе, так и дома, насколько счастливы мы будем в этом процессе – всё зависит от нас самих. В этом году российская программа продолжит работу в направлении качественного образования. Учителя находятся в постоянном развитии, обучении и поиске лучших форм и приёмов работы, созидая атмосферу сотрудничества и сотворчества.

            Совсем скоро стартует Всероссийская олимпиада школьников для учеников 4-11 классов (Y6-Y13). Мы обязательно будем участвовать! Это отличный шанс попробовать свои силы в основных и любимых и очень нужных, в поступлении в высшие учебные заведения, предметах. Школьный тур по математике, русскому языку пройдут все ученики в формате онлайн. Пожелаем ребятам удачи! Это только начало года, впереди нас ждёт много интересных конкурсов и предметных олимпиад  разного уровня.

            Со своей стороны мы, как школа, обещаем давать нашим детям максимум возможностей и образовательных проб на уроках, через проекты и дополнительное образование, раскрывая их таланты. Вам, уважаемые родители,  остаётся только искренне интересоваться и поддерживать их! Удачного учебного года!